Buy story books in hindi and english for your child

Story books are an integral part of a childhood and it is essential to introduce early learners to story books at an early age in order to help them develop reading, learning, communication and creative skills. Story books are a way to teach morals to children without sounding preachy, they also are a gateway to an imaginary world which still has roots in reality. Talking of roots, while it is important to have children be introduced to the English language via story books at an early age, it is equally important to introduce them to their native language and for a lot of kids in India that is Hindi.

Keeping in mind the importance of Hindi language in mind Maple Press offers Hindi translations of all major English story books and separate Hindi titles as well; so that your child doesn’t miss out on interesting stories and is also versed in his/her native language.

While there are hundreds of story book titles in both English and Hindi available at Maple Press, here are a few of them:

  • Ugly Duckling and Thumbelina: This meticulously handpicked and colourfully illustrated collection ranges from hilarious adventures to tales that impart moral values and is available in both English and Hindi. This book is available at an extremely affordable price, and can be bought online.
  • Hansel and Gretel (Hindi)– This is Hansel and Gretel story in hindi and is part of Maple Press’ Forever Classics collection. Maple’s Forever Classics is a series of stories for children, rich with beautiful illustrations and mesmerizing tales which aims to captivate the minds of our young imaginative readers. Keeping the content as simple as possible, the series serves to capture the interests of the child, and this particular book can be bought here.
  • Shri Krishna– This illustrated story book available in both Hindi and English languages book brings to life the stories of Krishna and his family and friends in an impactful narration. There are stories about his birth, mischief making with his friends, teasing and dancing with the village bellas or gopis and of his might and cunning as a king. Shri Krishna story books by Maple Press can be bought online.

These story books by Maple Press stand true to quality at affordable prices that compete with those of books wholesalers. maple classics books offers an extensive range of genres and your search for where to buy storybooks for your child, ends here. Maple Press is the best children book publisher.

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